Heating and cooling without interruption


A breakdown in the distribution of district cooling and heating can cause damage to sensitive operations such as hospitals and care homes.

We provide solutions during maintenance and repair of all pipes and plants, and guarantee a minimum of disturbance and uninterrupted distribution of heating and warm and cold water throughout.

Our clients regularly use our technique for installations and pipe connections and diversions, valve exchanges and repairs. When necessary, a bypass piping system is fitted to secure uninhibited flow.

Proco Services comply with the Swedish District Heating Association’s technical regulations D:217 Anborrning (Hot tapping) in both hot tapping and line stopping of pressurized lines.

Furthermore, we are promoting a safe working environment, good environment and high delivery reliability by following and supporting methods and techniques of hot tapping and line stopping described in the Swedish District Heating Association’s Underhållshandbok för fjärrvärmedistribution (Maintenance Manual for district heating distribution).
Product sheet – District Heating >

Reference – District Cooling >
Reference – District Heating >